“your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Matthew 6:8b
by Annie Haroun
I wasn’t particularly pleased with the song selections as I flipped through the radio stations in my car. I decided to myself, “This is it. I’m going to turn the radio off and pray out loud, and storm heaven while I drive home.” As I pushed the power switch to off, the sun, in all of it’s fiery brilliance, made a sudden jump out from behind the trees as if to shout “BOO! Here I am waiting for you.”
As I continued along the curvy road, it would hide, then quickly switch on as a spotlight aimed at me with its blinding orange glare, only to disappear again. It was still daylight and each time that it popped out, it would then descend a little lower behind the trees. By the time I arrived home, the daylight was almost gone and the sun had set. There were no prayers said out loud as intended. There was no storming of Heaven with my requests.
There was simply and quite romantically the peaceful sense of God with me in the moment as I enjoyed and was bedazzled by His blazing sun. He had used His glorious creation to hold and hug me. He knows my heart. He knows my longings. He knows my humanity. And He met me. That’s all that mattered. A holy perfect God met me where I was and He loved me.