Hi Sweet Sister!
Are you reflecting on last year and what your focus should be for 2025?
Something a little weird just happened last year as I was seeking God on what my New Year’s resolutions should be. A friend who I haven’t seen for a long while texted me:
” You visited me in a dream last night. Encouraged me to keep reading Scripture, but also to declutter my house. It was great! I needed that kick in the pants. Please visit again soon! Merry Christmas!”
I responded to her text with, “LOL, I need to do both those things, ……”
I felt like her dream was me literally preaching to myself. Because isn’t that in a nutshell of what we as followers of Christ need to do.?
1. declutter daily ( I’m talking spiritually now)
2. fill up with all that is good.
So what do you and I need to declutter or give up in 2025 …and How do we fill up with as much good as possible…my Sweet Sister?
First, let’s get back to the basics and reflect on what our number one focus and priority should be as a Christ follower ?
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden of sin that clings (distracts us) to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.” Hebrews 12 : 1-2
Or another way to state our goal would be:
Our goal to to run after Jesus keeping our eyes fixed on Him, to stay on the narrow path and to invite as many of our friends and family to come join the race.
So ask yourself these two questions?
- What is weighing me down or distracting me from running closer after Jesus? Is a person, social media, a hobby, an addiction, T.V., clutter, love of sleep..?…..What do I do first when I wake up instead of spending a date with Jesus? What do I need to take away so I have more room to grow in my relationship with Jesus?
- How can I be sure to stay close to Jesus in 2025? Do I need to go to bed earlier? wake up earlier? make a pact to not look at emails or Facebook until I have sat in quiet before my Lord and Savior? To not exercise my body until I have exercised my soul? Maybe decide to read the good news before I read or watch the depressing news on T.V?
We are promised be bear good fruit, if we remain close to Jesus. So this needs to be our Top priority. He will guide us each morning as to all the other goals. We don’t know what the future will hold and what we will face, but if we meet with God and talk with Him on a daily basis, we will know at the right time what we should do. When we have our “date time” then we can ask…How can I take better care of the body you gave me? How should I handle this business decision? How can I show Love to this person who really rubs me the wrong way?
Now this is really important Sister. Find a quiet place and sit at His feet now and ask Him what you should offer up to Him? Write down what you plan to get rid of and hand it over to Jesus. Don’t just think about it….write it down. now:)
Next, write down how you plan to improve or add to your personal relationship with Jesus. Attend your church more ? Join a small group bible study? Listen to Christian worship music in the car? pray with a sister on the phone once a week. please write it down. (If we write our goals we are more likely to achieve them)
Just as an athlete makes sacrifices and trains with others that are like- minded, as Christians we need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and find like-minded sisters to keep us accountable and encourage us. So I encourage you to share you blog and your goals with the sweet sisters in your life..and make a pact to help each other refocus daily on the eternal prize ahead…. Oh how we need each other. So my pray for us in 2025??
Let’s run the race arm in arm with our sisters and make our daddy-God proud.