Day 2 You are not an Accident The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

But as for you, O LORD, you are our Father, and we are clay, and you are out potter, we all are the work of your hands.  
 Isaiah 64:8

So if you were sitting in The Potter’s workroom what type of clay container would you be?  A container women would use at a well to carry home water on their heads to their family? A terracotta pot containing a small candle that would give light and warmth to others? A pot that would some day be full of rice and feed a banquet of people?

Or do you Sweet sister feel like a clay pot who has a crack from a broken heart? perhaps you hold the ashes of regret or past mistakes as an urn might hold ? Do you feel as if God has left you alone on the shelf? When you look at yourself in the mirror do you wish that the potter had made you a taller thinner pot like a tall vase? Do you wish you were covered with Gold and diamonds?

How this must grieve our father Potter that we would question His goodness and wisdom when He lovingly created us. You are His masterpiece and everything about you was carefully thought out for a good and noble purpose.  God doesn’t make mistakes. He waits for us to say “Yes” to the role His has established for you before He declared,

Let their be Light.

Mary said “yes” to being God’s vessel to carry the Light of the World even though she was young and poor.  King David was chosen not for what he looked like from the outside but God said that “Not as man sees does God see, because a man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart”. ( 1 Samuel 16:7)

Throughout history God has used the overlooked, the weak, the rejected, the barren, the small, the old, the young, the sinner, the sick, the lame, mute and  blind etc…to impact the world for God’s kingdom the most…………because light shines brightest through clay pots that have cracks.

So perhaps sweet sister your cracks and imperfections ( perhaps your broken heart) are just the part of you that will allow God’s light to shine through to others as your purpose on this earth is slowly revealed during our 40 day journey.