I’ve been thinking a lot about the word Love lately as Dave and I just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary, and so I thought now would be a fitting time to share this poem I wrote last year. The I Corinth. 13 love chapter ends with the words, Love Never Fails…but I prefer the more powerful phrase Love Always Wins. (so much so that it hangs on a plaque above my stove) For our anniversary we went to the newest Sight and Sound production titled JESUS and in this spectacular, state of the art production one quiet scene spoke the loudest. At the last supper, Jesus invited Judas to sit next to him and lovingly he kneels down and carefully washes his feet. Jesus, all God and all man, the Maker of Heaven and Earth kneels down to wash the feet of his betrayer. Isn’t this our own story? While we were yet sinners, the holy God of the universe kneels down to take the form of a human and then rescues us by pouring out his own blood to wash us completely clean. Will you let Him wash your feet? and then Will you wash the feet of those causing you to suffer?
Love Always Wins
Oh my sweet friend, True Love Always Wins
Come to The Well again and again
Fill up to the brim with all that’s true
He came to restore, make All things New
Oh my sweet friend, True Love Always Wins
Oh my sweet friend, True Love Never Fails
Once we sat helpless in death-rows jail
God’s red love lavished to set us free
Long- suffering turns the prison door key
Oh my sweet friend, True Love Never Fails
True love is bloody and sometimes it hurts
True love kneels down and then takes off His shirt
Love washes our feet and seeks all to Save
Love always wins for He conquered the Grave
Oh my sweet friend, True Love Always Wins
Love covers the ugliest of sins
Pull out by the root your bitterness
Pay forward God’s undeserved forgiveness
Oh my sweet friend, True Love ALWAYS Wins