Dear Sweet Sister,
I heard that you woke up regretting your choices from the night before. I have been there sister ….many times. We try to blame someone else, make justifications and excuses …..and then the agonizing guilt when we finally admit that we made an unholy choice and disappointed our Holy God.
It we truly don’t want to make the same mistake again and grow from this then we do need to feel that pain for a short while. For God loves you and I so much that He wants us to grow in holiness and learn from our mistakes. Name your sin and find a bible verse that deals with it so you will be better prepared next time. (google it:) What should you have done differently? What will you do next time to avoid a similar situation or outcome?
Now the good news………..

Our sin is like a drop of water in the Ocean of God’s Mercy.
Compared to God’s ocean of Love and Mercy, your sin is just a drop. Think of how huge the ocean is…water beyond what your eyes and mind could ever comprehend. Now try to comprehend Mercy and forgiveness that is beyond what we could ever deserve. A forgiveness that erases our sins as if they never existed. So write your sin down and tell God that you are sorry. If you are at the seashore write it in the sand. If you are catholic arrange to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. The key is to acknowledge your sin.
If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing.
1 John 1:9
Do you need to apologize to a friend or family member? make restitution? Even though we are forgiven, sometimes we need to show that we are sorry. Ask God for wisdom and help with this…courage too.
Now rejoice! You are forgiven.
God asked Mother Angelica, as she stood by the ocean after throwing back a drop of water that had landed on her arm….
“Can you find it now ?”
Walk sweet sister as one who has been forgiven much and then offer that same generous mercy to all those around you.