What is Sweeter than Revenge?

Ouch. To be human and in relationship means that others will disappoint us. Sometimes it means they will hurt our feelings or worse betray us.

What is your response when others hurt you? To respond in anger? to withdraw? to give the silent treatment?

While I wrote the theme poem for my book Love. Always. Wins., I pondered the time Jesus got down on his knees and carefully and lovingly washed the feet of Judas; the one who would soon betray him for 30 pieces of silver. He didn’t skip Judas, even though Jesus knew (because He is God, He Knew what was going to happen in the future) that Judas would later betray Him publicly with a kiss of death.

Surprisingly, Jesus didn’t skip Judas, but instead Jesus became like a servant and washed and dried the feet of His future enemy while he did the same for those that loved and adored Him. He treated them all the same and lovingly made sure they were prepared for the revealing at this last Passover supper when Jesus would confirm that He was going to be the eternal, perfect, sacrificial lamb.

How could Jesus do this?

Jesus knew that no person could prevent God’s perfect plan. He did not have to fear what Judas would do, for He knew that no person could ever prevent God’s great plan and will for Him. In fact Judas’ betrayal was part of the plan.

What was Jesus response to Judas? Love. His role was to Love…………. for God is Love.

Why did He do this?

Perhaps one part of why He did this was to model for us what we should do when others hurt us. Jesus knew that His followers would also have frienemies and He promised to pray for us. And He gave us this beautiful example of how to live free of bitterness and resentment. As disciples of Him, we are to imitate Jesus in every tough and messy situation. We can let go of our anger and focus on the truth that No person in your life or mine can prevent God’s wonderful, fruitful plan for us.

So what do we do ? We are not to “keep a record of wrongs” but to focus on the good of the person. My best piece of practical advice is to write down Ten good things about the person. Then, ask God for help you to forgive as generously and completely as you have been forgiven by God. Pray to God to bless the one who has hurt you. Then, you will have the sweet thrill of Victory…..not the bitter taste of resentment and revenge.


Oh my sweet friend

True Love Always Wins,

Come to The Well, again and again,

Fill up to the brim with all that’s true,

He came to restore, make All things New,

Oh my sweet friend, True Love Always Wins.


True love is bloody, and sometimes it hurts,

True love kneels down, then takes off His shirt,

Love washes our feet and seeks all to save,

Love always wins, for He conquered the grave.

Oh my sweet friend, True Love Never Fails

Once we sat helpless in death-rows jail,

God’s red love lavished to set us free,

Long-suffering turns the prison door key,

Oh my sweet friend, True Love Never Fails.

chorus :

True Love is bloody and sometimes it hurts,

True Love kneels down, then takes off His shirt,

Love washes our feet and seeks all to save,

Love always wins, for He conquered the grave.

Oh my sweet friend, True Love. Always. Wins,

Love covers the ugliest of sins,

Pull out by the root your bitterness,

Pay forward God’s undeserved forgiveness,

Oh my sweet friend, True Love. ALWAYS. Wins.