by Amber O’Brien

Look at this sweet picture! I bought it for two dollars, as I gave one dollar to a 6 year old budding artist and one to her 3 year old sister who were selling their creations on the front steps of their beach home. “Oh I love rainbows!” I told them when I spotted this one.
“Rain and sun are both needed for a rainbow” I exclaimed as I excitedly confirmed to the young artist how scientifically accurate her masterpiece that includes piercing sharp raindrops falling while the smiling sun shines above the rainbow.
Also, most encouraging to me was how God orchestrated the timing and positioning so that I would walk my bicycle past their porch. (rather than ride by on the street)
Just a few moments before, as I was about to go back onto a bike path, a couple walked right in front of me without noticing or caring. I must admit that inside my head some complaining….they are not paying attention and and blocking my way….How Rude!”
I decided to take a detour and to walk the bike on a sidewalk for a bit until the next intersection and that is when I noticed two young girls selling their wares. “Do you have any money?” the older girl bluntly asked causing her mom and I to laugh. I assured her that I did, as I had a few dollar bills ready in my pocket after visiting a local bakery. I oohhhed and ahhhed over the pictures and did my best to encourage the sisters and their proud momma.
Voila, a God-incidence in the making because I was nudged onto a different path.
If not for those two people walking in front of me and pushing me to walk my bike further, I would have missed this God-ordained interaction. When they thanked me for the payment, I reminded them of who the money was really from, stating “my money is God’s money, so this is from God”.
As I put the drawing in my basket, I rode off saying, “God loves you all so much”.
So what is the rain in your life my friend? Most likely yours is a bigger storm than rude people. There are storms happening all over. I have people in my life who are grieving the sudden death of a loved one and are walking around with wounded souls and torn hearts. I know of recent medical diagnoses that seem hopeless from the worlds perspective. Perhaps you have loved ones who are not speaking and the division is affecting the entire family. I so wish I could make everything all better for you, my sister. Just like you, I wish that I could heal all grieving hearts, bodies and relationships.
But while I can’t take away the rain and for some reason God hasn’t, ( yet…for we know that All wounds will be healed in Heaven) I did want to remind you of an important Truth:
God works All things out for good. All things. Not just some things or some of the time. All. things. All. of. the. time.
For we know that in All things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
Our God is like a masterful conductor who is weaving all the instrument notes together to create a beautiful symphony. Like using rude people to get us where we need to be. Sometimes He uses wounded hearts and broken bodies to humble us and lead us closer to Him. I look back over the rainy times in my life, and those were when I clung to Jesus harder and His word spoke to me most vividly. Looking back, these gloomy, stormy times helped me to be more sensitive to others, deepened my relationship with Jesus and drew me closer to some God-appointed people on my un-planned rainy path.
I have found that journaling is such a great way to process and release the many emotions and questions that occur when we are pushed off our paths. So I encourage you to find a notebook and let the cleansing tears fall as you write down your losses and your future fears. Let your anger out as you write out your hurt and disappointment. (stuffing emotions down inside can cause anger, resentment and depression) So let. it. all. out. my friend.
After I let out all my thoughts and emotions through journaling, then I wait and listen and look in the Bible for answers. I also always end my time filling up with refreshing truth and thanksgiving. I write out 3 good things (gratitudes) that God has done or given me and three characteristics of God. Such as: God is good, God is Love, and God is in control.
God is still on His throne my friend. He is still working All things out for good for you and your family and most of all His Kingdom. He is with you in the storm, shining through your tears.
“I wrote a poem about rainbows”, I told the mom and girls. “When you see a rainbow it is a kiss from God reminding you that He is with you”
He is with you my friend and He promises that He is going to use All things in your life for good. (He’s got the long game ) God promises to turn this detour into good. Trust in the Rainbow maker.