Hi Sweet Sister,
Are you emotional and anxious about the approaching holidays? Perhaps this will be the first Thanksgiving without a loved one present? Or you have a family member who scrapes you like sandpaper and you dread a potential conflict?
First, I want to assure you Jesus was human too and understands all the bundle of emotions that we deal with. Most of all, He showed us what to do when faced with large emotions. He came to earth to model what to do when emotions rise and we feel our eyes about to pour up and out with tears or our mouths speak words we can’t take back.
And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”
Matthew 26:39
As children we learn 4 very important words to help us to remember what to do if our clothes were to catch on fire.
“Stop, drop and roll ”.
Fire is something that needs to be dealt with right away. Thus, instead of running around or ignoring that one is on fire, we learn that the best course of action is to stop and drop and smother the fire by rolling on the ground.
I have been guilty of stuffing down my emotions until I explode like popping coals on some unsuspecting family member. At first, I imagine I am being kind by letting things slide and not being honest with myself and my family about things that bother me. However, letting our emotions build inside and then like a volcano erupt out searing words of fiery ash is not fair and certainly not kind. What should we do to relieve the pressure of built-up irritations, hurts and resentment?
Jesus modeled this for us in the garden of Gethsemane. He went farther away from his disciples and then dropped to the ground and lay prostrate before His father in prayer. He drew closer to his Father and honestly poured out all that was on his heart. Then He prayed the perfect prayer of a surrendered life, “Not as I will, but as you will.” After this agonizing time of intense prayer, Jesus was strengthened and was able to complete his mission in a calm and controlled manner.
Have you ever heard of the term “Cozy corner?” A Cozy corner is a quiet place away from the drama of others, where we can pull away and breathe deep and pray for help, strength, patience and love.
Where is your cozy corner? Or better yet, Who is your cozy corner?
You are a hiding place. You protect me from trouble; you surround me with songs of deliverance. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my eye on you. (Psalm 32:7-8)
Having strong emotions is not wrong; emotions are not negative but can inform and teach us. However, we need the Holy spirit to help us to find healthy ways to express and release our emotions so they don’t build up and we explode or we push them so far down we become stuck.
If the emotions start to rise within in, step away from your family and spend a little time asking God for perspective and for healthy ways to express yourself. “Help, Lord” …”give me Love for so and so” , or “I am so sad with out my family member here…what can we do to honor them together?” “
So whether you are in the desert of grief over the loss of a loved one, in the storms of messy relationships or perhaps have heart-burn from making a poor choice; come away into Jesus, who promises to be our cool, refreshing hiding place.
Come away and Stop, Drop and Pray.