Ch. 2 of Amber O’Brien’s book Love.Always.Wins. | |

~~Sometimes love is too large for words~~
I took refuge in the bathroom of the hotel room, laboring with my pen and paper, and tried to give birth to a poem. My family played National Park Monopoly outside my makeshift office as I sought to describe, in written words, one of the most amazing, natural wonders of the world. The overwhelmingly gigantic gulf, composed of pastel layers of crumbling stone, contrasted against a desert blue sky. It spoke to me of God’s beauty, power, and timelessness.
Though hours had passed since my first encounter, I remained captivated by recalling the vastness of this immense abyss —so huge that the human eye can only take in twenty percent at a time. The ranger had explained earlier at the park that even a camera from an airplane could not take a photo of the entire range, but a satellite from the heavens is needed.
My oldest daughter, age 12, said over dinner, “The Grand Canyon makes me feel like an ant.” When I asked my younger two children why they thought God created the Grand Canyon, my son declared, “Because He loves us,” and his sister Katie chimed in, “To show us how Big He is… and how Old!”
Early the next morning we hit the trails again. But, in contrast to the feast of spiritual revelation and gratitude that I felt for the experience of the Grand Canyon National Park, my children grumbled. “My foot is stuck in the mud,” one complained as they walked the trails. “I’m too hot,” said another, just as the youngest bemoaned, “I’m too tired!” I noticed them looking downward at their aching feet while all around them the God of the universe whispered a Love Song.
Whispers from the Grand Canyon
She beckons the weary eyes of the world,
Canyon after canyon of crumbling curls,
Layers of sand, suntanned and hand-swirled,
Bronzed desert beauty queen among girls.
Come sweet mysterious beauty sublime,
Whisper of ancient secrets now buried,
Who poured out each towering layer of time?
Can a bridge to cover this gap be carried?
Love older than the stones that crumble,
Love tender bridged the immense abyss,
Love beyond measure became humble,
Sealed with a Kiss,
Bliss, sweet bliss, filled the abyss,
Sealed with a kiss, bliss, sweet bliss.
She draws suitors with wild desert flowers,
Crashing lightning echoes down from the sky,
An hourglass poured from Love and power,
A canyon too grand for the human eye.
Love older than the stones that crumble,
Love tender bridged the immense abyss,
Love beyond measure became humble,
Sealed with a Kiss,
Sweet Jesus bridged the immense abyss,
Sealed with a kiss, bliss, sweet bliss.
* * *
In a famous interview of actor, Katharine Hepburn, by Barbara Walters, Katharine states that she is “like a tree.”
Barbara follows up with, “What type of tree would you be?”
Katharine responds, “Well I think most people would like to be an oak tree, as it is strong and pretty.”
Well, personally, I would like to be as a weeping Willow tree, whose deep roots reach down below the surface, to drink from the streams of living water.
The Weeping Willow Tree
A delicate cascade of greenery flows in the wind.
Translucent and serene, the willowy veil provides shade and refuge.
Tenderly she weeps and allows each tear to freely flow.
A strong, thick trunk supports the lush drapery.
Stable and strong, the root foundations of the willow reach deep in the ground.
No squall or tempest will uproot her,
Though the relentless winds often rage and blast.
Oh, may I be as the weeping willow tree.
May my tears flow as freely
When the defenseless innocents play around my trunk.
May my supple branches act as a shield
To the aged man who has come to drink from my shade.
May my thick trunk teach the widowed woman
As she hears the joyful rush of my leaves whisper,
“Don’t give up, stand as firm and free, as I.”
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Discussion questions for those that want to delve deeper:
- Where is your favorite nature place to go to relax and refresh? The forest? By the seashore? Or a nearby pond or lake?
- What does this natural place reveal to you about your Creator?
- What do you think God is speaking to you when you linger, listen, and soak up the beauty all around you?
- What did the author perceive about her Creator when she stood in awe at the edge of the Grand Canyon? What does the canyon symbolize? What does the bridge symbolize?
- Look up Psalm 19:1-4. List what the psalmist views in nature that causes him to want to give glory to God.
- When have you been like one of the three children who complained and bickered as the God of the universe surrounded them so powerfully?
- Look up Romans 1:20-23. Why are we without an excuse ?
Think about this: Is it easier to worship the creation, instead of our Creator?
Love . Always. Wins.
* * *
Time for Dessert
Read Psalm 103.
Underline the word “love” as you read this awesome psalm of praise.